August 4, 2019 - We had another great week as we interacted with crickets, bats, fishing, tie dyed T-shirts, Weed and testimonies shared about members conversions.
Nature Center Teaser: "Have you ever eaten a bug? Try it out during our Buggy Fun day! Bug catching, bug snacks, meet some bugs, and more!" Yes, both of us tried out a "Cricket Bite"! A little crunchy - it was Hickory Smoked Bacon flavored. And lots of protein!Nature Nuts theme this week at the Nature Center was forests. The kids got a plate with lots of fun stuff - pretzels, broccoli, celery, peanut butter, etc to make their own forest.They were also given a piece of parchment to use as the background and here is the finished forest.Katie from the Nature Center is holding a Rock sponsored by the Massena Rock Facebook page. The rocks are hidden throughout Massena for someone to find. The Facebook page says: Find a rock, pick it up, All day long you'll have good luck!! Post a picture on this page, It does not matter what your age. Keep your favorite one or two. Re-hide the rest and replace some too. Katie re-hid the rock out on the Nature Trails for someone to find.Katie showing the backside of the rock.The Nature Center Staff found a caterpillar on a leaf outside the building. If you look closely above the word Don't is an egg that will hatch into another caterpillar.Sister Oleson showing us how scrumptious the crickets were. Sister Wiese ate one too, she just didn't give us the "pose" first! (Talk about peer pressure!)John is in his truck hauling a couch that we were able to get donated from the Senior Missionary Apartment that was closing in Plattsburg. John was able to get the couch for free - we just had to go pick it up. I rode with John from Massena so we could pick it.Sister Oleson (and Sister Wiese) arrived at their apartment to find out they had a new neighbor - a BAT! They weren't real happy to find it at first, but as you can see, they can win over just about everyone and everything and make friends. At first they got a little excited and ran in their apartment to get something and then ran out...only to realize they locked their car keys AND apartment keys inside the apartment. We were able to get the landlord to open the door and get rid of the bat.We had an FHE out at Dick & Janet's home again. As part of the FHE, people shared how they found the gospel. There was such a sweet spirit as special experiences were recounted and testimony was born.Dick's garden in the backyard - yummy stuff that he shares with Branch members.Young Women tie dyed T-shirts this week. Jasmine is showing hers off.Sisters Wiese & Oleson, Karen & I found Chris who the Sisters are teaching, out on the fishing dock at the park by his house. The fishing was GREAT - but Chris couldn't produce a picture nor a fish to prove just how great it was!Everette and Chris on their way fishing. We dropped them off before we went to District Council Meeting in Ogdensburg. Again the fishing was GREAT, and this time they had photos to prove it: they caught 2 minnows that they called fish! But Everette abides by the adage: a bad day of fishing is way better than a good day at work. Everette brought two poles, one to fish on the bottom with worms and sinkers and one on top of the river with lures. Nice try, A for effort, but no luck!!!Sister Wiese and Oleson were given a lesson to Everette (new member) and Bill (who is learning about the church) and an Amish buggy went by.We went with the Sisters to visit and teach Reggie who unfortunately has been in and out of the hospital and care facilities. Right now, he made it back home. He's a great guy and very funny. We love to visit him. He was definitely glad to see us today - we brought him a Blizzard from Dairy Queen!Karen, Sisters Oleson & Wiese at Reggies place.This is NOT an advertisement!!! We stopped for lunch in Ogdensburg after our District Council Meeting and we could not resist getting a picture of a van in the parking lot. We didn't find the owner so we could share a message.
Lots of great experiences that strengthen us each day. We are grateful for all the members and friends of the church that we rub shoulders with each week. It is truly a blessing to us.