Obedience, Love, Relationships and Birthdays

August 11, 2019 - We had another great Zone Conference this past week - we always walk away with our batteries charged to the maximum - there is such a sweet abiding spirit that embraces everyone at conference.
We talked about obedience - the first law of heaven.
Then, Sister Vest emphasized how much our Heavenly Father loves each one of us. The first great commandment is to love the Lord thy God. Love is the essence of the gospel.
And then President Vest spoke of relationships and read Genesis 2:24 that tells us how to have a happy marriage:
1. Leave your father and your mother and create a new family unit. Our loyalties are first to the Lord and then your spouse. Never share your problems with your parents.
2. Cleave unto your wife. You cannot get to step 2 if you don't do step 1.
3. You shall be one flesh. You are in it together with the Lord
Of course, President Vest went on to tell us how these principles apply to our mission and our relationship with our companion. (Doubly for me, I'm married to my companion!!!)

Zone Conference: Sisters Oleson & Wiese (our current "companions") and Sister Black who served with Sisters White & Weaver with us in Massena. (We tell the young Sister Missionaries that they are in a foursome with us, instead of the normal companionship of two.) We love these Sister Missionaries, they are awesome.
Zone Conference: Sisters Wiese & Oleson - our current companions. Sister Black who served with us in Massena along with her two current companions...she went from a foursome to a trio with Sisters Belnap and Mahaffey (who is from the Tri-Cities area just south of Spokane, Washington).
Last preparation day we took Sisters Wiese & Oleson to show them the beautiful Barnhart Beach. It was a gorgeous day, but not many beach goers.

Every week the Nature Center puts on a program for young kids. This week was about deer.

The Nature Nuts touching the "deer".
Joel with without his deer costume - Joel is such a great guy - we love working with everyone in the Nature Center.
Guess who had a birthday this past week.

We surprised Jack & Annie for their 5th birthdays.

Annie & Jack had a swimming birthday party at the pond. We got to their house in time to put up one of Grammy's famous birthday signs just before they got home.
Will is explaining to Annie & Jack that they are going to go on a scavenger hunt to find their birthday presents.
We gave them books that had their names in them.
Annie's favorite birthday dinner: Spaghetti
Jessy planned a "farm" birthday with masks. Look in the mirror - Josh took the picture AND still got in the scene.
Time to blow out the birthday candles.
A close up of Lucy and Annie with their masks on.
Annie got a kid's digital camera for her birthday. Pompa got to go to WaMart and get an SD Card so she could save her pictures on her new camera.
We had a great game of Five Crown - one of our favorite games to play with our grandkids. I can't remember, but I'm sure that I must have won!!! (Or maybe not!)
And Jack & Annie played a game on Pompa's computer - best birthday present of all!!!
Karen C - who was baptized about 6 months ago has been kind enough to loan us her BBQ. We love being able to cook up some good stuff on the barbie!!!

We love and miss all of you. We love being missionaries. We feel so blessed to spend this time together serving God's children in the Massena area.