September 8, 2019 - Being a Senior Missionary means staying busy...
The Branch helped Sharon's daughter move to Rhode Island. Thanks to Everette (pictured), Dale, Hunter, John, Sisters Wiese & Oleson for help. It was almost exclusively boxes, they were on the smaller side and basically all the same size which made it easy to pack the U-Haul.Massena Labor Day Solidarity Parade - there are a lot of Unions in the area and they showed up to support Labor.There were plenty of union members representing organized labor from throughout the regionHulk is for solidarity!The Shriners showed up to show their support.Sisters Oleson & Wiese - We started out watching the parade in our car. We got out and then had to run back to the car when it started pouring rain at the end of the parade.
Yes it was transfers again. The Mission Office asked us to help transport missionaries. Take a look at our Transfer Instructions:
If you need help interpreting: We went from Massena to Utica to Syracuse to Palmyra to Rochester and then back to Massena. It took about 12 hours!First Stop: Missionaries arriving in Utica to catch rides to their new assignments. It doesn't last long, but it's a quick time for the missionaries to catch up with people they have served with in other areas.We picked up Sister Penrod in Utica (black jacket) and took her to Syracuse. She then was picked up by Sister Wiese. They are going to be companions in Massena where we serve. Welcome aboard Sister Penrod!Second Stop: Transfers in SyracuseThird Stop: Palmyra - They get real serious about these transfers - check out the mission truck and trailer.Lots of sisters in Palmyra because so many of them are Site Missionaries at all of the church historical sites.Forth Stop: Rochester - Elder Memmott (middle) rode with us from Syracuse. These 3 Elders will be serving in an ASL Ward that has about 25 hearing impaired members. Elder Memmott took two years of ASL sign language in high school and was called to serve the deaf members. He had served about 5 months before he made it here.Karen, Sisters Wiese & Oleson - Transfers sometimes has a negative side - we have to say goodbye to some of our favorite people. We know that they will go on to bigger and better things AND that we will love our new missionaries, BUT it is like sending one of your children away. With that said, we had to say goodbye to Sister Oleson this week who was transferred to Buffalo, NY. We hope the best for her - she's a great missionary.Sister Oleson says: Goodbye to Karen, Sister Wiese and Karen C.Sister Wiese with her new companion - Sister Penrod who was transferred from Delmar. Sister Penrod is from Linden, Utah (near Orem).Karen volunteering at the Nature Center at the front desk.This is where the snails hang out at the Nature Center. You can see in the middle of the photo, the little white eggs that were laid. We're going to be parents!!!!Nature Nuts (for the 2-5 year olds) studied bears this week. What a cute bear that was made during activity time.Sister Penrod & Wiese showed up at the Nature Center to take our place.Brandi, Rita, Chris and me. Shake night on Sunday. The winners at Password. (Actually Chris and I were undefeated. The losers played off and came back for a second shot. They lost again. But being chivalrous dudes that we are, we allowed them to be in the winner's photo!)
Let's see...this week we helped someone move, went to the Labor Day Parade (one of the Youth in the band played the trumpet and marched in the band), drove for 12 hours for transfers - don't feel sorry for us - it's totally awesome to hang out with all of the missionaries and see some of the ones that have served with us, said goodbye to Sister Oleson, said hello to Sister Penrod, served at the Nature Center and had Shake Night! Not pictured: we cleaned a members home, sang in the choir, planned for the upcoming Branch Harvest Party, taught piano lessons, went on lessons with the Sisters, spent hours making virtual student visits and getting ready for our BYU Virtual PathwayConnect class that is starting this coming week and who knows how many other things. Whew - we stay busy and we love it!