August 11, 2019 - We had another great Zone Conference this past week - we always walk away with our batteries charged to the maximum - there is such a sweet abiding spirit that embraces everyone at conference.
We talked about obedience - the first law of heaven.
Then, Sister Vest emphasized how much our Heavenly Father loves each one of us. The first great commandment is to love the Lord thy God. Love is the essence of the gospel.
And then President Vest spoke of relationships and read Genesis 2:24 that tells us how to have a happy marriage:
1. Leave your father and your mother and create a new family unit. Our loyalties are first to the Lord and then your spouse. Never share your problems with your parents.
2. Cleave unto your wife. You cannot get to step 2 if you don't do step 1.
3. You shall be one flesh. You are in it together with the Lord
Of course, President Vest went on to tell us how these principles apply to our mission and our relationship with our companion. (Doubly for me, I'm married to my companion!!!)

Every week the Nature Center puts on a program for young kids. This week was about deer.

We surprised Jack & Annie for their 5th birthdays.

We love and miss all of you. We love being missionaries. We feel so blessed to spend this time together serving God's children in the Massena area.